Support for Ukraine

A number of constituents have written to me volunteering different sorts of support for Ukraine and for those fleeing the country. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of outlets but some guidance on what you can do locally.


You can register your interest in housing refugees fleeing Ukraine with the Government. The link is here:

There is criteria for the minimum amount of time you host the refugees so please ensure you read the information before registering. 

There are quite a number of Ukrainian residents now living in Tatton either in the home of a host or in a property owned by them, generally it is working very well but if you are quite rural, it is worth considering how your guests are going to get around if there is no public transport.


If you are in a position to make a cash donation then the Disaster Emergency Committee works with 15 leading charities to ensure help gets to where it is needed. Their website address is and they have a dedicated Ukraine fundraising campaign on there.

There is also which is a North West based organisation set up to try and reconnect displaced Ukrainians with their families. They are closely allied to a church in Mobberley and have also undertaken humanitarian trips, with supplies, to the Ukrainian border and at various times are looking for very specific items and people to drive within their convoy. Please visit their website for more details.



If you are in Wilmslow there is a Facebook group that has been set up for 'Support for Ukraine in Wilmslow'

If you are in Knutsford, there is a similar support group called 'Homes for Ukraine Support Group'. You can access that by contacting Sarah on

In addition, Wilmslow Town Council run a weekly drop in session for Ukrainian guests and their hosts. It is open to anyone in the surrounding area and is in the foyer at the United Reformed Church, Chapel Lane, Wilmslow SK9 1PR on a Tuesday evening 6pm-8pm.

May be an image of text that says "Weekly Ukrainian Café Every Tuesday, 8pm украёнське тижневе кафе зустрча, щовивторка, 6-8 вечора Church Entrance, The United Reformed Church, Chapel Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 1PR. центральний вхðд церкви на об'еднаний реформатськй церкв, чапел-лейн, влмслоу, SK9 1PR. All local Ukrainian guests and hosts are very welcome at these informal drop-in sessions. ласково просимо ycix мсцевих украïнських гостей та спонсорив на цю неформальну дружню зустрич. Organised by Wilmslow Town Council partnership with Wilmslow United Reformed Church организовано мською радою вльмслоу партнерств вльмслоу об'еднаною реформаторською церквою"


Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church are a 'shop' specifically for Ukrainian guest where they are get clothes, toiletries and food if they need it. You can find out more information here:…

They are currently open: 

Tuesday 12-2pm

Thursday 6-8pm

Friday 12-2pm

Saturday 12-2pm   but please check before making a special journey!